Saturday, May 25, 2013

Back to the Cabin

Take your parents to Construction Tech day at Roseville High from 8-9AM!  Spent the morning sanding the exterior and caulking the interior on 2 mobile homes.  Oh yeah, also watched Aaron eat 3 donuts.

Then back to the cabin for Memorial Day weekend (5/25) with Cary, Aaron, Monsi, Tati, and Rio.

Bought 2×4s on the way to fix part of the deck.  Unfortunately, we needed 2×6s...

Got the tire swing up with Monsi's help...  All the girls (except Cary and Rio) swung this afternoon.

Removed some more dead trees and scotch-bloom and swept the backyard.

Aaron's getting in his Need-for-Speed XBox time...

Homemade pizza for dinner, yummmm.

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