Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 8 (Tue) - The Coral Garden

Tuesday, June 25,2013

Getting going in the AM...

In search of Cary's perfect snorkeling spot today:-)

More outrigger races in Viatape

What do Marshmallow's and Jet Ski's have in common Chels????

There were many boats and snorkelers  marking the Coral Gardens when we first arrived (it was nice of them to show us the correct spot!)

Didn't take much to scare them off and the 
Aquarium/Coral Gardens was all ours

Great snorkeling: 
  Tons 'O Fish!!!  
    Tons O' Coral!!!
      Tons 'O Current!!!

This WAS the PERFECT Snorkeling Spot!!


Link to map of Coral Garden

A bit shallow here...

Dinghyd to the Motu Tofari
Walked through the "jungle" and checked out the beach on the Pacific side

The jungle had many cool trees and minimal head-hunters

Saw many hermit crabs, sea slugs.  The beach was made up of tons of coral.

Link to map of jungle/beach...

Cool views of the East side of the Bora reef!

Found Kyle's bike on the way back!!!

The wind is back!!!

Played light ball on -- whoops -- off the back of the boat...

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